Tantárgy kódja
Tantárgy neve
Ubuntu Linux kezdőknek
Tantárgy angol neve
Ubuntu Linux for Beginners
Félévi követelmény
Gyakorlati jegy
Ajánlott félév
Cél angol
The aim of course is to show students the use of the software core legal issues, education to use free software, principles of their development, with details of their use pros, cons, especially the Ubuntu Linux operating system.
Tartalom angol
Fundamental questions of software rights. Historical review and theoretical background, the economic model. Free licenses. Free software organizations. Free software success stories. Comparison of the open and closed
general source softwares. Overview of high-quality open-source softwares in the education, taking into account the needs of the open and closed systems. general
user software free, software, document-processing, spreadsheets,
presentation-making, database management (OpenOffice.org, MySQL), image processing (Gimp)
drawing. Multimedia software. Network client programs. Educational Software. Open
source operating systems. The school system administration.
Self-publishing program, collaboration, version control.
Gyakorlati jegy
Számonkérés angol
Term grade
1. Bartók Nagy János-Laufer Judit: UNIX felhasználói ismeretek
2. Róde Péter: Amit a LINUXról tudni érdemes, Műszaki Könyvkiadó, 1999, Bp.
3. Richard Petersen: Könnyen is lehet LINUX, Panem, 2000, Bp.
Könnyen is lehet UNIX-bevezetés, Panem, 1996, Bp. 4. Blahota István: Ubuntu Linux kezdőknek : online jegyzet, URL: http://zeus.nyf.hu/~blahota/ubuntu/Linux_11_10_06.pdf
Irodalom angol
1. János Bartók Nagy- Judit Laufer: UNIX user skills
2 Peter Roden : What you should know about Linux , Technical Publishing House, 1999, Bp .
3. Richard Petersen : Easily can be LINUX , Panem , 2000, Bp .
Easily also be introducing UNIX , Panem , 1996 , Budapest, 4. István Blahota: Ubuntu Linux for Beginners : online notes , URL: http://zeus.nyf.hu/~blahota/ubuntu/Linux_11_10_06.pdf
Tantárgyfelelős intézet kódja
Tantárgyfelelős oktató
Tanyiné dr. Kocsis Anikó